Spotters in "Nutrition and Health: Beverages" for CFM & MPH students
1. Coconut Water (नारियल पानी ):
Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of Coconut water:
- Carbohydrate: 3.71 gm
- Protein: 0.72 gm
- Fat: 0.2 gm
- Energy: 19 kcal
- Minerals:(Ca- 24 mg, Mg- 25 mg, Iron- 0.29 mg, K- 250 mg)
- Thiamine: 0.03 mg
- Riboflavin: 0.05 mg
- Niacin: 0.08 mg
- Vitamin C: 2.4 mg
- Folates: 3 µg
- Clinical importance: Rich in cytokines, bioactive enzymes & potassium.
2. Sugarcane juice (गन्ने का रस):
Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of Sugarcane juice:
- Carbohydrate: 9.1 gm
- Protein: 0.1 gm
- Fat: 0.2 gm
- Energy: 39 kcal
- Minerals: 0.4 gm
- (Ca- 10 mg, P-10 mg, Iron-0.1 mg, K-)
- Thiamine: 0.03 mg
- Crude fiber: 0.56 gm
- Riboflavin: 0.04 mg
- Niacin: 0.14 mg
- Vitamin C: 7 mg
- Carotene: 41 µg
- Clinical importance: It has no simple sugars hence diabetics can enjoy it.
3. Palm sap/ Neera (नीरा):
Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of Palm sap/ Neera :
- Carbohydrate: 10.9 gm
- Protein: 0.4 gm
- Fat: 0.1 gm
- Energy: 45 kcal
- Minerals: 0.5 gm
- (Ca- 15 mg, P-140 mg, Iron-0.1 mg, K-180 mg)
- Thiamine: 0.05 mg
- Riboflavin: 0.08 mg
- Niacin: 0.7 mg
- Vitamin C: 15 mg
- Clinical importance: Rich in Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc and Iron and a natural source vitamin B complex and vitamin C. Diabetic friendly having low glycemic index.
4. Coffee (काॅफी):
Nutritional Values (per 150 ml) & important features of Coffee:
- Carbohydrate: 17.8 gm
- Protein: 1.8 gm
- Fat: 2.2 gm
- Energy: 98 kcal
- Clinical importance: Rich in caffeine (0.6% to 2%) which is a stimulant of nervous system.
5. Tea (चाय):
Nutritional Values (per 150 ml) & important features of Tea:
- Carbohydrate: 16.4 gm
- Protein: 0.9 gm
- Fat: 1.1 gm
- Energy: 79 kcal
- Clinical importance: Rich in caffeine (2-6%), tannic acid (6-12%) & also contains theophylline (traces).
6. Cocoa (कोकोआ):
Nutritional Values (per 150 ml) & important features of Cocoa:
- Carbohydrate: 26.2 gm
- Protein: 7.2 gm
- Fat: 8.8 gm
- Energy: 213 kcal
- Clinical importance: Rich in theobromine which has stimulating properties.
7. Soft drinks (साॅफ्ट ड्रींक):
Important features of Soft drinks:
- Some are carbonated example soda water incorporating carbon-dioxide under high pressure.
- Some are non carbonated such as fruit juices.
- Principal ingredients are carbon dioxide, sugars, acids such as citric or tartaric acid, coloring and flavoring agents.
8. Alcoholic drinks (शराब):
Important features of Alcoholic drinks:
- These are beer, whisky, rum, gin, arrack etc.
- Alcoholic content varies widely from 5-6 % in beers to 40-50 % in rum, whisky, gin & brandy.
- Alcohol gives about 7 kcal per gram.
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