Spotters in "Nutrition and Health: Animal Foods" for CFM & MPH students

1. Cow's Milk (गाय का दूध):

Opinions Vary on Benefits of Milk | CardioSmart – American College ...

Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of Cow's milk :

  • Carbohydrate: 4.4 gm
  • Protein: 3.2 gm
  • Fat: 4.1 gm 
  • Energy: 67 kcal
  • Minerals: 0.8 gm 
  • (Ca-120  mg, P-90 mg, Iron-0.2 mg, K-151 mg)
  • Thiamine: 0.05 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.19  mg
  • Niacin: 0.1 mg
  • Folic acid: 8.5 mg
  • Vitamin C: 1 mg
  • Carotene: 53 µg
  • Moisture: 87.5 gm
  • Clinical importance: Rich in calcium. Contains milk protein casein, lactalbumin and lactoglobulin along with all essential amino acids and minerals.

2. Curd (cow) (दही):

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Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of Curd :

  • Carbohydrate: 3 gm
  • Protein: 3.1 gm
  • Fat: 4 gm 
  • Energy: 60 kcal
  • Minerals: 0.8 gm 
  • (Ca-149  mg, P-93 mg, Iron-0.2 mg)
  • Thiamine: 0.05 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.16 mg
  • Niacin: 0.1 mg
  • Folic acid: 12.5 mg
  • Vitamin C: 1 mg
  • Carotene: 31µg
  • Moisture: 89.1 gm
  • Clinical importance: Apart from vitamins and minerals it also contains several bacteria called probiotics eg.  Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, bifidobacterium bifidum which faciltate the growth of gut-friendly bacterial colony and suppress diarrhea causing agents.
3. Cheese (पनीर ):

White Fresh Cheddar Cheese(id:6941245) Product details - View ...

Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of Cheese :

  • Carbohydrate: 6.3 gm
  • Protein: 24.1 gm
  • Fat: 25.1 gm 
  • Energy: 348 kcal
  • Minerals: 4.2 gm 
  • (Ca- 790 mg, P-520 mg, Iron-2.1 mg)
  • Thiamine: 0.02 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.23 mg
  • Niacin: 0.09 mg
  • Carotene: 82 µg
  • Moisture: 40.3 gm
  • Clinical importance: Very rich in proteins, calcium & minimal in lactose.
4. Hen's Egg ( अण्डा):

White Leghorns – The Chick Hatchery

Nutritional Values (per 100 gm: two eggs without shell) & important features of Eggs:

  • Carbohydrate: 1.1 gm
  • Protein: 13.3 gm
  • Fat: 13.3 gm 
  • Energy: 173 kcal
  • Minerals: (Ca- 60 mg, P- 220 mg, Iron-2.1 mg)
  • Thiamine: 0.1 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.4 mg
  • Niacin:0.1  mg
  • NPU: 100
  • Carotene: 420 µg
  • Clinical importance: Rich in proteins which contains all essential amino acids. It contains all vitamins except vitamin C.
5. Fish (मछली ):

Buy Rohu Steaks Fish Online of Best Quality in India - Godrej ...

Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of freshwater Fish (Rohu) :

  • Carbohydrate: 4.4  gm
  • Protein: 16.6 gm
  • Fat: 1.4 gm 
  • Energy: 97 kcal
  • Minerals: 0.9 gm 
  • (Ca- 650 mg, P- 175 mg, Iron- 1 mg)
  • Thiamine: 0.04 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.06 mg
  • Niacin: 3.9 mg
  • Moisture: 76.7 gm
  • Clinical importance: Rich in calcium & proteins which are easily digested. Contains omega 3 fatty acids.
6. Goat Meat (मांस ):

Goat Meat Boneless – Little Cayman and Cayman Brac Cayman Islands

Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of Goat meat :

  • Carbohydrate: 1.3 gm
  • Protein:21 gm
  • Fat: 3.6 gm 
  • Energy: 118 kcal
  • Minerals: 1.1 gm 
  • (Ca- 12 mg, P-193 mg)
  • Thiamine: 0.36 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.28 mg
  • Niacin: 0.7 mg
  • Vitamin A: 690 mg
  • Vitamin C: 1 mg
  • Moisture: 74.2 gm
  • Clinical importance: Rich in good quality proteins with essential amino acids & minerals. Iron has high bio-availability.
7. Chicken Meat (मुर्गा):

Country Chicken Meat, Packaging Type: Vacuum Bag, Rs 300 /kilogram ...

Nutritional Values (per 100 gm) & important features of Chicken meat :

  • Carbohydrate:  gm
  • Protein: 25.9 gm
  • Fat: 0.6 gm 
  • Energy: 109 kcal
  • Minerals: 1.9 gm 
  • (Ca- 25 mg, P-245 mg, Iron-0.7 mg)
  • Thiamine: 0.06 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.11 mg
  • Niacin: 8.78  mg
  • Vitamin A: 41 mg
  • Moisture: 72.2 gm
  • Clinical importance: Rich in proteins  containing essential amino acids & easily digestible. Contains very less fat.

  1. National Institute of Nutrition (India), Gopalan, C., Rama, S. B. V., & Balasubramanian, S. C. (1978). Nutritive value of Indian foods. Hyderabad, India: National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research.
  2. Park, K. (2019). Park's textbook of preventive and social medicine. 25th. Jabalpur, India: M/S Banarsidas Bhanot.
  3. Kadri AM. (2019). IAPSM's Textbook of Community Medicine. 1st. New Delhi, India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
  4. Longvah T, An-antan I, Bhaskarachary K, Venkaiah K. Indian food composition tables. Hyderabad: ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition; 2017.
  5. Mohan Ram M and I Gopalan (1981). Nutritional Disabilities, ICMR, National Institute of Nutrition, Hydrabad.
  6. Tricase, C., Amicarelli, V., Lamonaca, E., & Rana, R. L. (2018). Economic analysis of the barley market and related uses. In Grasses as Food and Feed. IntechOpen.
  10. photo credit


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your insightful blog post about spotters in nutrition and health, particularly focusing on the importance of animal-based products like fresh cow milk in maintaining a balanced diet. In Chennai, where access to nutritious dairy products is crucial for the local population, your emphasis on the benefits of Fresh Cow Milk In Chennai is highly relevant. Your comprehensive explanation of the nutritional value and health benefits of cow milk underscores its significance in promoting overall well-being. I appreciate how you've shed light on this topic and provided valuable insights for your readers. Looking forward to reading more from your blog!


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